Through Pisces to Aquarius IV

We both knew it had been some years
Since we spent much time together.
There were many stories to tell
And so few hours to get all said;
Yet I wanted to share my joy
Of living near mountains and lakes:

Long afternoons by the river,
Listening to its many sounds;
Or the sound of wind through the pines
As it strengthens after sunset.
Lying in high mountain meadows,
Lost for hours in cloud formations
As they race across the blue sky;
Or the scent of the one you love
Intermingled with the perfume
Of various flowering plants;

Wading through knee deep snow to build
A large bonfire beside the lake;
Listening to the forming ice,
Or hearing the soft music played,
Light years away and long ago
From the heart of the Milky Way.

Continue to part V
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